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Friday, May 27, 2011

Butterfinger Ice Cream

I don't have any pictures for this, but the recipe is SO easy and the ice cream is crazy good. As you will recall from two or so posts ago, I have and ice cream and I'm super excited for it.

I was getting an itch to bake something but really didn't feel like turning the oven. Summer has officially started here, 90's plus in temperature every day and what feels like 85 percent humidity. You may think I'm exaggerating, but no. Summers in Raleigh NC are brutal. Eventually it gets too humid and storms mid-day every day. And one may think the rain would cool off the later part of the day, but you are wrong, very wrong. Instead of cooling down the surface, you get stuck in this awful humid haze of hard to breath air trying to be sucked back into the air while the earth is trying to suck it up. Then the sun comes out and starts to heat the Earth again (as if the morning half wasn't enough), all the while you have this awful humid haze that feels like you are walking and water. Then to make it more enjoyable all you smell are earth worms and hot wet pavement... ugh...

I shouldn't complain though, we made it all the way until the end of May without going over 90, where as last year we didn't even make it through the first week of April. Oh, I would also like to add that summer lasts here until like October... awesome (insert sarcasm here).

But onto better more delightful things, ice cream.

I wanted to make coffee ice cream, but RJ doesn't like it, so I made something at his request. Next time coffee, I heart coffee ice cream. I heart it more than regular coffee, which isn't that impressive because I only kinda-sorta- like coffee. I do like the dolled up coffee drinks though :) So, he requested Butterfinger Ice cream. I searched around a bit and found a recipe to follow. I was good and the cool thing was no eggs. I don't like tempering eggs, too easy to mess up...

Butterfinger Ice Cream:
1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 C. Peanut Butter
1 C.  Heavy Cream
2 1/2.C.  Whole Milk
1 tsp Vanilla
1 C. Crushed Butterfingers (7 fun sized)

In a small pan over medium low heat melt peanut butter and sweetened condensed milk together. Remove from heat stir in milk and cream. Mix in vanilla and refrigerate until cool. Add mixture to ice cream maker and follow manufacturers directions.

I mixed my for 30 minutes then added the crushed butterfingers and let that go for another five minutes. It has a really soft consitency. Place in an air tight container and put in freezer. Will keep for at least a week, unless of course you finish it off before the week is over.


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